Modern life. So much to do. So little time to do it. Sometimes it’s hard to get the balance right.
With a smartphone always within reach, we sit too much and we move too little. A couple of times a week, we go to the gym. But we work out with our headphones on and we train our muscles in isolation.
Once a year, we might run a half-marathon or take the family skiing. But because we couldn’t fit the preparation into our busy schedule, we come home suffering aches and pains that are slow to go away.
We spend a lot of our lives online. While Facebook and Whatsapp give us the illusion of staying connected with our friends and the world around us, in fact, they leave us feeling increasingly disconnected from what’s going on around us and even in our own bodies. We lose touch with other people. And we lose touch with ourselves in the process.
In the words of Charlie Chaplin, we become “machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts”.